Individuals, Families &
Business Owners Helped.
Our Designations
Crossroads Financial Solutions Inc
Crossroads Financial Solutions Inc. has been helping clients with their insurance and investment needs since 2006.
We are a boutique firm, consisting of a group of 35 advisors and associates, that was created to provide financial advice and planning to clients from all walks of life.
Our advisors interact with clients on a personal and business level by customizing a financial path to suit each client’s specific needs and fulfill their desires.
Since 2006 we have assisted over 3500 individuals, families and business owners with personalized financial solutions. We also adjust these plans along the way because we understand that circumstances are constantly changing.
The advisors bring with them a wide variety of backgrounds. Whenever needed we collaborate our area of expertise to give a client the best possible advice they can get. We also work with a team of professionals such as Tax Specialists, Accountants, Actuaries and Lawyers to name a few.
In most cases we are willing to work with your team of existing advisors, lawyers, accountants, etc. to come up with the most appropriate solution for the client. It’s all about making the right decision that makes the most sense.
Our process is streamlined and simple, and we outline a plan of action for the client. We have an in house underwriting process that is unique to specifically understand the client’s medical, financial and lifestyle situation and then make an informed choice for selecting the right product.
Our goal is to ensure that our clients are truly satisfied and happy. We are committed to finding a solution through our vast network that we have developed over the years.
Whenever you are willing to take the first step, I encourage you to connect with us. The first appointment is at our expense.
Why Crossroads Financial?
Often people are too busy looking after their customers, suppliers, shareholders, partners, employees, bankers, family and others leaving no time to properly look after their own personal planning aspects.
People we come across often have no will, an improperly drafted will, or a completely out of date will.
We find successful Business Owners have no partnership agreement, an outdated agreement, or an improperly worded one. It is not properly funded using life insurance or the funding is inadequate in the case of unexpected death or disability.
People do not have a detailed or properly structured succession plan in place if they get sick or die prematurely.
They have excellent professional advisors who are experts at solving problems but no one is looking at their estate and risk planning which in most cases will incur significant tax liabilities if not addressed now.
Most people are surprised and almost unprepared to discover their ultimate tax liabilities.
In the Province of Ontario, for example:
Over 50% of their retirement savings will be taxed after the second death of both spouses. They may pay the government $500,000 per $1 million of their hard earned retirement savings.
45% of their Holding Company/Operating Company assets will be paid in taxes on the second death of both spouses. They may pay the government $450,000 on every $1 million of investment holdings.
25% of accumulated capital gains from investments, real estate and business equity will be paid as taxes on the second death of both spouses. They may pay the government more than $250,000 dollars per $1 million of investment growth.
The bad news is that we owe all these taxes that most of us were probably caught unaware or choose to ignore or in many cases procrastinate.
The good news is that if you get the right advice you can reduce this tax liability to almost ZERO. The solutions are usually Surprisingly Simple.
We understand that every person’s scenario is unique and different, connect with us to see if we are a right fit for each other.
The first meeting is at our expense.